Monday, August 20, 2012


I just wonder if one day I travel alone, who's gonna take a photo like this for me? XD

Sunday, August 19, 2012

To my beloved one

We are born to be stubborn so advices seemed useless sometimes. I hate to say but it is reluctant to let go something that had been holding for such long time, probably might have caused pain that is extremely hard to ease. My friend, I could imagine how it would be, you might be sad all the time, all you can think is the one who ruins your life, and cry all night long. Crying makes you feel better, but don't you think that the one is not worth for your tears?  It is painful at first, sounds like I'm an expert, in fact, I don't! We know that we can't change the fact, so we need to learn how to accept the least favourable ones. But after certain of time, you might realize that the matter is small, not longer important to worry about, open your eyes, there are many awesome things around the world to be explored, but life is too short to be sad, so please stop trapping yourself under the dark shadow! We ought to move on with our life, remember that you are not alone, I will always be with you!

Friday, August 10, 2012


except “希望自己彻彻底底醉一次”, all the above best describe what I currently do, how I feel like right now, and of course what I wish to do...
how I wish I would never grown up,
be the apple of one's eye,
have no worries of sky falling down
excitement should be part of life,
seriously need some fun,
motivates me to keep on working, working, and working!
If life becomes lifeless
how sad it is...